Brandason was one of 30 young entrepreneurs and business startups in West Africa and Europe selected to undertake an eight-month fellowship in both Ghana and Germany.
Over the course of the journey, accompanied and coached by renowned serial entrepreneurs from enpact’s international network, and experienced entrepreneurs and experts of the local ecosystem., the program supports cooperation in sector and development-related groups to promote exchange, horizontal and vertical learning and the development of sustainable networks.
enpact’s mentoring programmes enable young founders to create a long-term network with other business owners, mentors, and experts that may not exist in their home country, over the course of an eight-month-long programme.
Ghana - Berlin
Nov. 2019 - Nov. 2020
Officially launched in 2017, the global initiative Women In Africa (WIA) supports, accompanies and contributes to the promotion of this new generation of African women to the service of an inclusive and innovative Africa.
Each year, the WIA 54 Award recognizes 54 women entrepreneurs from each of the 54 African countries.
This year, Brandason was selected as one of the finalists in the creative industry.
Awards Program
June 2020
Orange Corners is an initiative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in collaboration with MDF West Africa, the Ghana Innovation Hub and our private sector partners. Their ambition is to further develop and strengthen the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Ghana. They do this by enabling youth to develop their existing companies and by providing these entrepreneurs with the necessary opportunities, skills and access to markets and capital.
In 2020, Brandason was selected as one of the 10 businesses to join the cohort and receive training, mentorship and support
June 2020
Brandason partners AHK in two ways:
a. Start - Up Ghana:
The Tech Entrepreneurship Initiative ‘Make-IT in Africa’ in collaboration with Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Ghana (AHK Ghana) put together a series of events called ‘Start-up Ghana 2020’ to foster strategic collaborations between start-ups and corporates in Ghana.
Start-up Ghana 2020 is a series of events that seeks to create a platform that will link well-established European and Ghanaian companies to innovative start-ups with real growth potential. Selection of startups will be based on three main verticals: Fintech & Insurtech; Health-Tech; Logistics & Mobility; Software as a service (SAAS).
As a partner, Brandason is providing pro-bono support and support to the 20 start-ups in the program through The Ghanaian-European Start-up Exchange event and For Start-ups by Start-ups
(b) Ghana Virtual Career Fair 2020 (GVCF), which is geared to provide a response to the current challenges the COVID-19 pandemic poses to industries and employment. It is organized on behalf of German development cooperation and the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations by the Ghanaian-German Centre for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration (GGC) and the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Ghana (AHK Ghana).
The event, which is scheduled for 8th July 2020, will be held online and will be accessible by jobseekers with access to the internet via computers, smartphones and devices.
The GVCF seeks to complement the efforts of the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations and the Government of Ghana at promoting employability and entrepreneurship among the Ghanaian youth and to explore the potential opportunities emerging after the Coronavirus pandemic.
Brandason is supporting the event through though-leadership. Its founder will be hosting a live workshop on “Digital marketing: building a corona resilient strategy for nurturing client and partner relationships”.
Partnership and Support